Are you looking for a fun way for girls 5-11 to get involved with football? Then look no further! Weetabix Wildcats is the place to be, everyone is super awesome; from the friends you’ll meet to The FA qualified coaches and volunteers who deliver the sessions.
To sign up: Navigate to
Step 1: Search for a session near you:
- Type your postcode or town name
- Choose the Programme - Comets or Wildcats. Use the filters - distance, date, age range, day of the week, time of day, disabilities. (Shown below in red)
- If you are not getting any results from your search, you may need to widen your search criteria. Please note, as time goes on, more and more venues/clubs are adding on programmes. So if there is nothing available now, please come back.
Step 2: Once you see a suitable upcoming programme, click on the programme for more information and to book.
To sign up, you can use the 'Select all' option to sign up for the full remainder of the term, as shown below:
Or you can select each individual session dates you'd like to book in for.
Step 3: You will then be asked to sign in. PLEASE make sure you sign in as yourself - the parent/carer and not the child's name - you will be given the option to add them later.
Step 4: If this is the first time you are registering your child, you will then see the below - click +Add Player - to add the child(ren)'s name and details.
- When adding the child's details - you must add an emergency telephone number. You can also add information on accessibility requirements and/or medical information if you wish to highlight any information relevant for your youth, ahead of completing your booking.
By providing this information you consent to this being shared with the providers of the session. They will treat this information with confidentiality, but it is also important for them to know.
Step 5: Once your child is added, you can add an additional child or continue with the registration process. Select the child or children attending the programme by selecting their name, agree to the terms and conditions and then Continue.
Step 6: Payment
The next page is where you enter in your bank details to collect payment.
Step 7: Confirmation Page
You will receive an email confirmation and also a payment receipt sent to your email.